2024-04-29Mapping the Genetic Code of Wild Oat SpeciesGenes and are the gene bank of stress resistance , adaptive characters of oats .Understanding of the oat genome origin .Tu , Dr . Ziwei Wang ( Current affiliation is School of Biology and Agriculture , Shaoguan University ) , and master student Gui Xiong of South China Botanical.Oat wild germplasm resources through breeding programs in Poaceae (... Oats have been domesticated more than 3,000 years ago while growing as a weed in wheat fields in the Anatolian region of Turkey. Their genomes are rich in genetic diversity, as shown by the large genome size (12.6 Gb, 6x) and the mosaic-like chromosomes. Little is known about the evolutionary events that lead to structural variation in oat chrom...Read More
2024-04-26Mechanisms of soil organic carbon accumulation in acidified forest soilsAccumulation in deeply acidified forest soil remains unclear .Science , Research field : Forest ecology and soil carbon cycle , E-mail : yumx @ scib . ac . cn ? . Southern forests contribute more than 50% of soil organic carbon (SOC) in China’s forest ecosystem, and the soil can still accumulate SOC. Deeply developed tropical and subtropical forest soil has undergone severe acidification. Based on the input-output principle, the accumulation of Al toxicity caused by Al3+ aggregation, results in a decreas...Read More
2024-04-24Vertical Dimension: A Complementary Perspective to Interpret Niche DifferentiationPosits that niche differentiation is a prerequisite for species coexistence .Influencing vertical stratification and habitat adaptation of tree species , verifying the vertical effects of ecological strategies ( published in Functional.The coexistence mechanisms of subtropical forest tree species .Relationship between diameter at breast height (... The classical ecological theory posits that niche differentiation is a prerequisite for species coexistence. Natural forests exhibit distinct stratification, where the horizontal and vertical structures collectively form the community structure. Horizontal ecological niche differentiation alone is insufficient to explain the coexistence of plant...Read More
2024-04-24High Soil Phosphorus Content Reduce the Competitive Ability of the Invasive Plant Chromolaena odorata in Tropical Coral IslandsAlien plant invasion results in severe socioeconomic and environmental damage worldwide .However , the effects of soil phosphorus content and light intensity on the competitive advantage of C . odorata and the native species Pisonia grandis and Scaevola taccada in tropical coral islands is still not clear .? Figure . The relative growth rates (... Alien plant invasion results in severe socioeconomic and environmental damage worldwide. The negative effects of invasive plants on islands are worse than those on the mainland. Chromolaena. odorata is one of the most common invasive plant species in the world. It is currently one of the main invasive plant species in the Paracel Islands, and ca...Read More
2024-04-16A rapid and efficient method for plant genetic transformationCrops and development and utilization of plant resources .Compared to the traditional transformation methods , RAPID has a higher transformation efficiency ( increased by 20 ~ 100 times ) , shorter duration ( reduced by 2 ~ 3 times ) , and does not require tissue culture.Applied to a wide range of plant species that are capable of regeneration .... Plant genetic transformation is essential for crop engineering and modern molecular breeding. However, the existing transformation protocol is complex and inefficient, limiting genetic modification of most crops and development and utilization of plant resources.Read More
To address this challenge, Guangzhou researchers have developed a novel plant g... -
2024-04-07Inaugural meeting of Biological Diversity successfully heldOn 1 April 2024 , the South China Botanical Garden , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( SCBG , CAS ) and Wiley , a leading publisher of academic journals , held an inaugural meeting to launch the journal Biological Diversity in Guangzhou . On 1 April 2024, the South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCBG, CAS) and Wiley, a leading publisher of academic journals, held an inaugural meeting to launch the journal Biological Diversity in Guangzhou, China. Held in a combination of offline and online formats, the meeting was attended by the Editors-in-Chief, Associate ...Read More
2024-04-04Scientists of South China Botanical Garden comment on the evolution of agriculture nitrogen managementThe drive to increase crop production to meet the increasing food demand has led to excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers , but nitrogen use efficiency has not increased accordingly .10.1038 / s43016-023 - 00888-6 ) published in Nature Food . A comprehensive review of the meta-analysis was carried out by Prof . HOU Enqing ’ s team and published... The drive to increase crop production to meet the increasing food demand has led to excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, but nitrogen use efficiency has not increased accordingly. Rather, excess nitrogen released into the environment has caused severe environmental pollution. To understand the status of knowledge-based nitrogen management stra...Read More
2024-04-02Scientists from South China Botanical Garden reveal impact of temperature variability on wood phenology of Northern Hemisphere conifersIncreasing evidences show decoupling between growth timing and annual woody growth , the subtle responses of wood formation ( e . g . .Given the immediate threats posed by worldwide increases in climate variability , there is an urgent need to understand how temperature variability affects the timing of forest wood phenology and the underlying m... Increasing evidences show decoupling between growth timing and annual woody growth, the subtle responses of wood formation (e.g., xylem phenology) to multiple facets of global warming should be quantified to improve our understanding of forest growth dynamics; however, this task remains challenging. One of the largest uncertainties in the respon...Read More