2011-08-15Tissue Culture in Terrestrial Orchid Achieves Success in SCBGAn average proliferation rate of 4.4 was obtained on□□MS medium containing 0.5 mg l-1 NAA and 1 g l-1 activated charcoal. Rhizomes produced on an average of 3.7 shoot buds on□□MS differentiation medium supplemented with 0.1 mg l-1 thidiazuron(TDZ)and 1.0 g l-1 citric acid(CA).Hyponex medium supplemented with 100 ml l-1 CM and 100 g l-1 banan... Cymbidium nanutum is a terrestrial orchid endemic to Yunnan, Southwest China. It is of great horticultural value as an ornamental plant because of its beautiful and fragrant flowers. This popular species is endangered due to illegal collection and its habitat destruction. Currently, the propagation of C. nanutum is done mostly through separation...Read More
2011-07-29SCBG and MACT Carry out Exchange and Cooperation on Postharvest Technology of Fruits and VegetablesHe briefly introduced the basic situation of SCBG,and expected the two sides could find common concern research and technology cooperation. Thailand was one of the major producers of tropical fruits in the world and had a great need for this technology。 Today the Thai agriculture officials and technical staff made a special trip to SCBG,was hop... A delegation of 5 people from the Bureau of Agricultural Commodities Promotion and Management (BACPM), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand (MACT), led by Mrs. Urai Suwanwong, agriculture consul in the Department of Agriculture, Royal Thai Consulate General in Guangzhou, visited South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sc...Read More
2011-07-22Impacts of Understory Management on Soil Respiration in Subtropical Native Forest PlantationThe effects of forest management on soil respiration in forest plantations are crucial to both our understanding and management of global carbon flux. In newly established mixed plantations of native species,understory plants can reach as high as 1 m and cover most ground surface in southern China. The study was conducted at Heshan Hilly Land In... The effects of forest management on soil respiration in forest plantations are crucial to both our understanding and management of global carbon flux. In newly established mixed plantations of native species, understory plants can reach as high as 1 m and cover most ground surface in southern China. The understory vegetation removal can reduce t...Read More
2011-07-20ProfessorFrank S. Gilliam Visits South China Botanical GardenGilliam had a thorough scientific discussion and communication by showing research reports. Gilliam gave a high appreciation of the on-going research projects and research achievements,and also gave some instructive suggestions. Gilliam and Mo further discussed the international cooperation in the future On 14th July,Prof. Gilliam presented a le... Dr. Frank S. Gilliam, the professor of Biological Sciences from Marshall University (USA) visited South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) during 11-15th July 2011, under the invitation of Prof. Dr. MO Jiangming, the principal investigator of the Ecosystem Management Research Group of SCBG.Read More
During this visit, Pr... -
2011-06-24South China Botanical Garden Finds the High-biomass Hyperaccumulator for Phytoremediation of Cd Contaminated SoilPhytoremediation is known as a cost-effective,environmentally friendly in situ remediation technique,which strives to maintain soil fertility and structure. Early phytoremediation research focused on“hyperaccumulator”plants,but the application potential in phytoremediation is limited by the fact that many hyperaccumulators grow slowly and have... Phytoremediation is known as a cost-effective, environmentally friendly in situ remediation technique, which strives to maintain soil fertility and structure. Early phytoremediation research focused on “hyperaccumulator” plants, but the application potential in phytoremediation is limited by the fact that many hyperaccumulators grow slowly and...Read More
2011-06-20The Uncertainty Determination of Emergy Analysis ModifiedThe conflict between environmental protection and further economic development is becoming a much serious problem in front of human being nowadays. Furthermore,they may be also useful in quantifying the uncertainty in ecosystem models and scaling up or down in ecological studies The results of this study will contribute greatly to the uncertaint... The conflict between environmental protection and further economic development is becoming a much serious problem in front of human being nowadays. To realize human being’s sustainable development, some scientific methods are firstly required to objectively evaluate the real wealth,including both economic and environmental aspects. Emergy theo...Read More
2011-06-13SCBG and SMG Sign a Strategic Cooperation AgreementHUANG Hongwen,director of SCBG and FENG Ruiquan,director of SMG signed the agreement as the respective representatives. Afterward,HUANG Hongwen and the delegation group inspected meteorological monitoring field,accompanied by administrative and technical engineers of SMG SMG has carried out a series of scientific and technical cooperation with S... South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science (SCBG, CAS) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) in Macao on June 10, 2011, to study together the effects of climate change on ecological environment in Macao. Prof. HUANG Hongwen, director of SCBG and FENG Ruiquan, director of...Read More
2011-06-07Different Management Practices Have Important Influences to Emission of Soil Greenhouse Gases in Plantation EcosystemsCO2,CH4 and N2O are all important greenhouse gases,which mainly come from soil of forest ecosystems. At present,it is a highlight to research mechanisms of greenhouse gases from forest soil. To determine the effects ofunderstory removal and Cassia alata addition on emission of soil greenhouse gases,Dr. The fluxes of soil CO2 stay at a high level... CO2, CH4 and N2O are all important greenhouse gases, which mainly come from soil of forest ecosystems. At present, it is a highlight to research mechanisms of greenhouse gases from forest soil. To determine the effects ofunderstory removal and Cassia alata addition on emission of soil greenhouse gases, Dr. LI Haifang, instructed by Prof. XIA Han...Read More