2018-12-07Protection from disulfide stress by inhibition of Pap1 nuclear export in fission yeastThe protection method of blocking Crm1 mediated export of nuclear proteins unraveled in this study may find medical relevance as an alternative to chemical drugs currently being tested to block the nuclear export of tumor suppressors in cancer therapy .The relevant paper entitled “ Protection from Disulfide Stress by Inhibition of Pap1 Nuclear ... Previous work from Dr. David W. Ow’s lab elucidated a new Pap1-Oxs1 pathway specific for the diamide-induced disulfide stress response in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which appears to be evolutionarily conserved (He et al. 2017. Nucleic Acids Res. 45: 106–114). In current study, PhD student Yan Chen and colleagues found that ov...Read More
2018-11-26Medicinal chemistry of natural products rhodomyrtosone B against drug-resistant bacteriaRhodomyrtus tomentosa ( Aiton ) Hassk . , also named as Rose myrtle , is distributed in the hilly areas of Taiwan , Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , and Lingnan region .R . tomentosa is a medicinal and ornamental plant , and its sweet fruit is edible .The leaves of R . tomentosa are traditionally used in the treatment of infectious diseases such a... Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk., also named as Rose myrtle, is distributed in the hilly areas of Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Lingnan region. R. tomentosa is a medicinal and ornamental plant, and its sweet fruit is edible. The leaves of R. tomentosa are traditionally used in the treatment of infectious diseases such as wound infe...Read More
2018-11-21Reduced geographical variability in spring phenology of temperate trees with recent warmingAdvancements of spring phenology due to climate warming have been observed worldwide in the last decades , however .We addressed this question through analyzing temporal changes in the geographical variability for 22 spring phenological events ( both leaf-out and flowering phenology ) of 16 temperate tree species in Europe . This study , for the... Advancements of spring phenology due to climate warming have been observed worldwide in the last decades, however, whether the occurrence of species-specific phenology events among populations over broad space has been converged or diverged with recent warming has been little explored. We addressed this question through analyzing temporal change...Read More
2018-11-05Mechanisms of acid buffering in acidic forest soils in southern ChinaElevated anthropogenic acid deposition has accelerated forest soil acidification in southern China . However , the observed responses to increased acid inputs are quite variable among different forest soils .Long-term observation data showed that the pH of an old evergreen broadleaved forest ( BF ) soils maintained around 3.8 under high rate of ... Elevated anthropogenic acid deposition has accelerated forest soil acidification in southern China. However, the observed responses to increased acid inputs are quite variable among different forest soils. Long-term observation data showed that the pH of an old evergreen broadleaved forest (BF) soils maintained around 3.8 under high rate of acid...Read More
2018-10-23Rapid Shifts of Peak Flowering Phenology in 12 Species under the Efects of Extreme Climate Events in MacaoPlant phenology is the most sensitive and accurate indicator of environmental change , including plant germination , leaf buding , flowering , etc .Through the monthly phenological observation of plants , the arrival time , duration and annual change of each growth and development period were recorded to understand the relationship with the exte... Plant phenology is the most sensitive and accurate indicator of environmental change, including plant germination, leaf buding, flowering, etc. Through the monthly phenological observation of plants, the arrival time, duration and annual change of each growth and development period were recorded to understand the relationship with the external e...Read More
2018-10-19Understanding the biosyntheses and stress response mechanisms of aroma compounds in tea (Camellia sinensis) to safely and effectively improve tea aromaRecently , tea research group of the South China Botanical Garden .Chinese Academy of Sciences ( PI : Prof . Ziyin Yang ) published a review entitled “ Understanding the biosyntheses and stress response mechanisms of aroma compounds in tea ( Camellia sinensis ) to safely and effectively improve tea aroma ” in Critical Reviews in Food Science a... Recently, tea research group of the South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PI: Prof. Ziyin Yang) published a review entitled “Understanding the biosyntheses and stress response mechanisms of aroma compounds in tea (Camellia sinensis) to safely and effectively improve tea aroma” in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrit...Read More
2018-10-15New progress in medicinal chemistry of natural products against drug-resistant bacteriaRhodomyrtus tomentosa ( Aiton ) Hassk . , also knownd as Rose myrtle , is distributed in the hilly areas of Taiwan , Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , and Lingnan region .Liyun Zhao , Ph . D . student of the Natural Products Chemical Biology Research Group of South China Botanical Garden , Chinese Academy of Sciences , under the guidance of Prof . ... Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk., also knownd as Rose myrtle, is distributed in the hilly areas of Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Lingnan region. R. tomentosa is a medicinal and ornamental plant, and its sweet fruit is edible.Read More
Liyun Zhao, Ph.D. student of the Natural Products Chemical Biology Research Group of South China Botani... -
2018-10-09To keep pace with the “neighbor”: Pollination niche availability facilitates colonization of Guettarda speciosa with heteromorphic self-incompatibility on oceanic islandsGuettarda speciosa is a dominant woody plant on Xisha Islands , widely distributing on tropical and subtropical oceanic islands .Self-pollinated plants get pollination niche from themselves , and wind pollinated plants get pollination niche from wind , and animal pollinated plants get from pollinator .How to prove this hypothesis ? Similarly to ... Guettarda speciosa is a dominant woody plant on Xisha Islands, widely distributing on tropical and subtropical oceanic islands. As a typical island plant, it is a favorable species to study evolutional ecology questions relating to plants long distance dispersal. According our research data on Xisha Island, G. speciosa is an obligate out breedin...Read More