1.Bai, L., Hu, X., He, J., & Tian, Z. 2021a. New records of Hedychium hookeri (Zingiberaceae) from China and Myanmar. Phytotaxa 494: 237–243. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.494.2.7
2.Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., Li, D.Z., & Xia, N.H. 2018a. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China IV: Z. pauciflorum sp. nov. from Yunnan. Nordic J. Bot. 36: njb–01534. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01534
3.Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., & Xia, N.H. 2015a. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China I: Zingiber kerrii and the synonymy of Z. menghaiense and Z. stipitatum. Gard. Bull. Singapore 67: 129–142. https://doi.org/10.3850/s2382581215000149
4.Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., & Xia, N.H. 2015b. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China II: Zingiber tenuifolium (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 227: 092–098. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.227.1.10
5. Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., & Xia, N.H. 2015c. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China. Pp. 28 in: Organization, B.G. (ed.), Seventh Symposium on the Zingiberaceae Chiang Mai, Thailand.
6. Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., Xia, N.H., & Li, D.Z. 2018b. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China VI: Z. leucochilum, a new species with running rhizome from Sichuan. Nordic J. Bot. 36: e01840. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.01840
7. Bai, L., Leong-Skornicková, J., Xia, N.H., & Ye, Y.S. 2016. Taxonomic studies on Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in China III: Z. ventricosum, a new species from Yunnan, and notes on three closely related species. Phytotaxa 261: 101–120. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.261.2.1
8. Bai, L., Maslin, B.R., Triboun, P., Xia, N.H., & Leong-Skornicková, J. 2019. Unravelling the identity and nomenclatural history of Zingiber montanum, and establishing Z. purpureum as the correct name for Cassumunar ginger. Taxon 68: 1334–1349. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12160
9. Bai, L., Maslin, B.R., & Xia, N.-H. 2021b. Senegalia propinqua (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a new species from the Yuanjiang dry-hot valley in south-central Yunnan Province, China. Phytotaxa 522: 38–46. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.522.1.4
10. Chen, J., Xia, N.H., & Bai, L. 2019. A new combination in Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from China, Z. fallax. Nordic J. Bot. 37: e02230. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.02230
11. Funakoshi, H., Bai, L., Im, H.-T., & Ikeda, H. 2015. Eureka! Chaos Unleashed: Deciphering the taxonomic complex of Zingiber mioga of Japan, Korea and China. Pp. 18 in: Organization, B.G. (ed.), Seventh Symposium on the Zingiberaceae,
12. Maslin, B.R., Ho, B.C., Sun, H., & Bai, L. 2019. Revision of Senegalia in China, and notes on introduced species of Acacia, Acaciella, Senegalia and Vachellia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Plant Diversity 41: 353–480. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2019.09.001
13. Tong, Y.H., Chen, F.L., Ran, J.C., Bai, L., & Xia, N.H. 2018. Teucrium chowii Y.H.Tong & N.H.Xia, a new name to replace T. integrifolium C.Y.Wu & S.Chow. Phytotaxa 309: 99–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.349.1.14
14. Ye, X.-E., Bai, L., Ye, Y.-S., Xia, N.-H., & Leong-Skornicková, J. 2018. Taxonomic studies of Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in China II: transfer of Hornstedtia tibetica to Amomum and supplementary description of H. hainanensis. Pl. Syst. Evol. 304: 1165–1180. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-018-1539-7
15. Ye, X.-E., Leong-Skornicková, J., Bai, L., & Xia, N.-H. 2021. Taxonomic studies on Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in China III: Amomum fangdingii, a new species from Guangxi. Phytotaxa 490: 263–270. https://doi.org/10.11646/PHYTOTAXA.490.3.4
16. Ye, Y.S., Bai, L., & Xia, N.H. 2015. Zingiber hainanense (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Hainan, China. Phytotaxa 217: 73–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.217.1.6
17. Zhang, J.F., Bai, L., Xia, N.H., & Peng, Z.Q. 2015. Hoya yingjiangensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideaea), a new campanulate flowered species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 219: 283–288. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.219.3.8